Testimonial Julia

Before the programme Julia told us “I was constantly feeling lethargic, struggled to get out of bed and was heavily relying on tea and coffee. Every day, all day long  I felt like I was treading through treacle. Since lockdown has happened, I have not been able to have any Bowen treatments and I have been eating far too much rubbish, so my wellbeing was deteriorating fast.


I had lots of aches and pains, was really quite stiff and felt really low. I had lots of “fibro fog” my mental alertness was rubbish, I had zero motivation or stamina to get through the day. Everything felt like it was a huge task.


My fibromyalgia symptoms would occur mostly around my period and would wipe me out for days. I had heavy and painful periods. Coping with 2 teenagers as well as a toddler that doesn’t sleep was challenging to say the least!


Fast forward 30 days and here are Julia’s results….


✅ Fibromyalgia symptoms practically gone🥳

✅ IBS symptoms GONE 🎉

✅ Energy levels in a morning gone from 0/10 to 10/10 and now sustained throughout the day 🥳

✅ Brain fog GONE 🎉

✅ IMPROVED memory and concentration

✅ Despite having a toddler who keeps her up throughout the night, her sleep quality has massively improved and she is now feeling like she has slept  🎉

✅ Really alert when waking instead of struggling to get out of bed

✅ Low mood GONE

✅ Mood swings GONE 👏

✅ NO LONGER feeling stressed

✅ NO LONGER falling asleep when sitting

✅ Heavy and painful periods GONE 🎉

✅ Breast tenderness GONE 👏

✅ NO MORE fibromyalgia flare ups and more than usual muscle aches during her period

✅ Headaches GONE

✅ Food cravings GONE 🥳

✅ Making better food choices and no longer needing a caffeine rush to keep her going

✅ Acid reflux ALMOST GONE 🎉

✅ Nausea GONE

✅ Bloating GONE 🥳

✅ Abdominal cramps GONE 🎉

✅ NO LONGER has difficulty digesting certain foods 👏

✅ NO MORE discomfort after eating

✅ Bladder and bowels working much better

✅ Skin problems GONE

✅ Hair quality IMPROVED

✅ Healthier nails

✅ Stiffness in joints GONE

✅ Feeling stronger

✅ Dizziness GONE 👏

✅ Pains in neck and shoulders ALMOST GONE

✅ Arm and elbow pain GONE

✅ Pains in wrists GONE 🎉


✅ Pains in fingers GONE

✅ Back pain GONE 👏



✅ Stomach aches and pains just about gone

✅ Problems with teeth, gums and mouth ulcers GONE

✅ Pins and needles and numbness GONE

✅ Lungs and breathing now great

✅ Wasn’t looking to lose weight but shed a few pounds

✅ Lost 8.5 inches 🥳

✅ Overall feeling of wellbeing now 10/10


What Julia has to say...

“I feel great! I am feeling the most motivated I have in a long time. No task feels too big for me, I’m just getting through things and I have actually experienced a normal tired instead of the fatigue I used to feel with the fibromyalgia. I used to find it so difficult to get up in a morning and now it’s great! I am awake and ready to go! I have bags of energy throughout the day and have even been able to keep up the couch to 5K!

I am now making better food choices. All my food cravings have gone and I am going for and choosing healthy snacks rather than the nasties, without thinking about it. I am weirdly not missing bread or rice, not needing or even missing coffee or tea and I’m not even tempted to have an odd G&T. I am actually enjoying feeling really well!

I am so glad I decided to add this programme to my Bowen clinic, it complements the therapies I offer, beautifully. It is definitely the missing link I’ve been looking for and I only wish I had done this programme sooner myself!”

We are absolutely delighted to be supporting Julia to add our programmes to her own practice and she is already mentoring people through the programme who are having life changing results themselves 🎉👏🥳

Julia JenningsBowen Practioner
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