Jackie Hodson
Hi, I’m Jackie, Co-Founder of Gut Health Solutions. Welcome to our site! I am extremely excited to help you on your own health journey, whether that be joining one of our programmes or simply finding out more about the microbiome and gut health and how it affects the brain and body.
With a 20+ year teaching background and working in school improvement as a Maths Consultant and Specialist Leader of Education, I know only too well what it feels like to be totally burnt out with nothing left to give. I have seen teachers and senior leaders leaving the profession in their droves with the pressures taking its toll on physical and mental health. Looking back to my days in the classroom, I can now see that my health was at an all time low and I was experiencing all the signs of adrenal fatigue and leaky gut syndrome. 20+ years of chronic stress can do that to you!
I retrained in the Bowen Technique in 2009 hoping it would be my ticket out of teaching but I never felt well enough or had the headspace to make the change and leave my job. It was only after embarking on my own health journey and resetting my microbiome that I remembered what it felt like to be myself again and I took the plunge to leave the classroom and introduce the microbiome gut reset programme into my clinic as an extra offering to the Bowen Technique. I have never looked back!
The results I have seen have been nothing short of incredible and now we have the even better and enhanced 30 day programme and the bootcamp wrapped around the microbiome gut reset, we are seeing even better results!
I have a passion in helping those people who feel like they have nothing left to give, that they cannot see the “wood for the trees” and have completely forgotten a time when they felt alive and energised. I love it when clients tell me their life has changed for the better. It really is incredible what the gut is responsible for!
As for the maths consulting, I do still take on school improvement contracts as I could never give up maths completely, I love it too much! Many people have said “maths and health, that’s very different isn’t it?” to which I reply “I’m still educating people, it’s just a different subject!”

Zoe Reast
Hi there, I’m Zoe Co-Founder of Gut Health Solutions. I thought I would share with you a little bit about myself and how I came to live, breath and love my health and wellness business.
It was my 20th year of being in a Corporate environment and working in the IT area across many sectors although mostly banking and I felt that I needed to explore further my keen interest in health and wellness. So in 2013 I trained to become a Bowen Therapist which is a hands on technique to release fascia to balance the body and mind. This was my part time joy helping people to feel better. I then realised this was my passion and I needed to pursue it further. It coincided with having my little boy and I’d always wanted to take some time off when I became a mum so this seemed liked the perfect opportunity to grow my wellness business. Through the network of Bowen Therapists I came across a programme that many clients were undertaking called the Gut Reset Programme. I have always been very interested in gut health and how it affects the brain and the body and I wasn’t feeling my best, so I decided to try the programme. My starting point was feeling low on energy and groggy, consuming far too much sugar and I had lots of cravings. My mood was lower than usual, felt my hair and skin was dull, I had poor bowel mobility and sleep was very disturbed. I am however very fortunate not to have many health complaints but even so I experienced such a transformation on completion of the programme.
The experience I had completely changed my life not just from a health perspective but I was adamant that I wanted other people to experience the same changes and immediately started thinking about friends and family who would benefit. Along with helping my nearest and dearest, I knew that the people that I wanted to help most were in the Corporate world. I’d worked with and seen so many business executives and colleagues that were experiencing extremely stressful jobs which was having a knock on effect to their health. Many were suffering from burn out, lack of energy, brain fog, inability to concentrate or perform to their best in the office and this was also having an effect on their personal life. I just knew that if they took their own health and wellness into their own hands, starting with a gut reset, they would feel tons better and this would start to create a happier environment for them on many different levels. I am very keen to get coaching clients in this industry so they themselves can reap the same results as me along with many more.
Over the last couple of years, I have coached numerous clients through the programme helping them to transform how they are feeling on a day to day basis and I can honestly say it is the BEST feeling ever. We always measure the results through the programme from start to finish and many feel so good they continue to focus on what they eat and what they are absorbing on a daily basis and for the future.
All I can say is there’s never a better time than NOW to give it a go!!

What If You Could Change Your Life In The Next 30 Days
Every 3 minutes someone dies in the UK from heart disease
Million work days lost due to stress related absence in the UK last year
Million people in the U.K that suffer from IBS
Million people are currently suffering from anxiety and depression in the UK
“We are living in a world today where you are what you ABSORB and not just what you eat. The Gut Reset Programme will enable you to detox, cleanse and rebalance the gut microbiome and help the body to remove heavy metals and toxins.
- Zoe & Jackie
Request a Free Consultation
If you have any questions or just want to get in touch, use the form below. We look forward to hearing from you! You can get in touch with us directly at info@thegutresetbootcamp.com