Showing 7 Result(s)

The Gut Microbiome and Hair Growth

How is the microbiome link to hair health and growth? Did you know that science shows that healthy hair growth, condition and your internal health are linked? When it comes to hair, your nutrition, stress levels and certain genetic conditions can all play a role, as well as the microbiome. Let’s explain why…. Hair growth …

Feeding Our Skin

Feeding our skin. Rainbows are so beautiful, in all different forms. No two are the same! When we want to think about feeding our skin, we need to think about a ‘rainbow diet’. This means eating as many colours as possible within our fruit and veg intake. This is one of the best ways of getting …

Auto-Immune Conditions and the Gut Microbiome

It is now widely known that poor gut health is a contributory factory to many illnesses for example autoimmune conditions are on the rise. An autoimmune disease is a condition arising from an abnormal immune response to a functioning body part. There are at least 80 types of autoimmune diseases – rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, crohn’s, …

The Gut Microbiome and Stress

When the body experiences stress, it can cause a waterfall of events that are specially designed to help us escape danger or harm. The body shuts down all its non-essential activities like digestion, reproduction, and even sexual desire. A chemical is sent directly to its resources and energy to the muscles and brain. This causes …

The Microbiome and Depression

A huge amount of medical research has been co-ordinated to find out the links between the microbiome and Depression. According to this research, probiotics can help lower levels of cortisol in response to stress. This then leads to a more relaxed mind and fewer depression symptoms.   The healthy germs in probiotics help to boost …

The Gut Brain Axis

The Gut/Brain Connection Have you ever had a gut feeling for something or had butterflies in your stomach? Somehow, your brain and your gut are connecting right? Over the last decade, more and more research has been carried out on the Gut/Brain Axis. There is a direct link from the brain to the gut called …

Vitamin D, what affect does it have on the body?

Enjoy the sunshine vitamin for immune support. Like a ray of sunshine, vitamin D benefits the body’s numerous biological functions to promote a greater state of overall health. The essential viatmin is one of the most useful nutritional tools we have at our disposal. Vitamin D is amazing. We call it a vitamin but its …

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